The Second ISA Forum of Sociology, Buenos Aires
Tuesday, July 31, 2012 - Saturday, August 4, 2012
The deadlines to enter new abstracts and to edit existing abstracts have been reached.
Please select the group (Research Committee, Working Group, Thematic Group) to which you wish to submit your paper.
The full list of groups is available under the section Academic sessions.
The abstract text cannot contain more than 300 words.
Submissions Closed
To Submit to a Joint Session, please click the appropriate title below:
- RC02 Economy and Society (host committee) and RC17 Sociology of Organization: Organizing global and domestic finances
- RC02 Economy and Society (host committee) and RC23 Sociology of Science and Technology: Knowledge based economies and networks of knowledge transfer
- RC02 Economy and Society and RC07 Futures Research (host committee): Alternatives to neoliberal globalization: Comparing counter-hegemonic projects
- RC02 Economy and Society and RC17 Sociology of Organization (host committee): Organizing markets
- RC02 Economy and Society and RC24 Environment and Society (host committee): Conflicting economies, livelihoods and social-environmental interactions in coastal regions
- RC02 Economy and Society and RC44 Labor Movements (host committee): Organizing the production of alternative visions to support social justice
- RC02 Economy and Society and TG04 Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty (host committee): Uncertainty and economy
- RC04 Sociology of Education and RC10 Participation, Organizational Democracy and Self-Management (host committee): Social justice and participation: The role of higher education
- RC04 Sociology of Education and RC13 Sociology of Leisure (host committee): Leisure education: Social justice in life-long learning
- RC05 Racism, Nationalism and Ethnic Relations (host committee) and RC38 Biography and Society: Where are you from? Experiences of exclusion, marginalization and racism
- RC05 Racism, Nationalism and Ethnic Relations (host committee) and WG02 Historical and Comparative Sociology: Inequality, racialization/ethnicization, and migration
- RC05 Racism, Nationalism and Ethnic Relations and RC32 Women in Society (host committee): The ethics of intersectional politics and the challenges to alliances and coalition building in and outside academe
- RC05 Racism, Nationalism and Ethnic Relations, RC13 Sociology of Leisure (host committee) and RC21 Regional and Urban Development: Leisure, urbanization, migration and ethnic relations
- RC07 Futures Research (host committee) and RC48 Social Movements, Collective Actions and Social Change: Imagining futures: Social movements, publics, and contentious politics
- RC07 Futures Research and RC09 Social Transformations and Sociology of Development (host committee): Globalization, futures of management, and resistance movements
- RC07 Futures Research and RC23 Sociology of Science and Technology (host committee): ICTs for science and technology development in Latin America and the economic South: Present and future
- RC09 Social Transformations and Sociology of Development (host committee) and RC31 Sociology of Migration: Migration in (post-) socialist societies
- RC09 Social Transformations and Sociology of Development and RC18 Political Sociology (host committee): Political inequality outside of the West
- RC09 Social Transformations and Sociology of Development and RC31 Sociology of Migration (host committee): Migration and development
- RC09 Social Transformations and Sociology of Development, RC13 Sociology of Leisure (host committee) and RC32 Women in Society: Women, leisure and family in the age of transformations
- RC10 Participation, Organizational Democracy and Self-Management (host committee) and RC11 Sociology of Aging: Participation and cultural sociology of the life course
- RC11 Sociology of Aging and RC13 Sociology of Leisure (host committee): Transformation of leisure and ageing perspectives
- RC11 Sociology of Aging and RC33 Logic and Methodology in Sociology (host committee): Empirical Methods in Aging Research
- RC11 Sociology of Aging and RC41 Sociology of Population (host committee): Demographic challenges associated with aging populations in the developing world
- RC13 Sociology of Leisure (host committee) and RC24 Environment and Society: Leisure and tourism: Social and environmental concerns
- RC13 Sociology of Leisure (host committee) and RC30 Sociology of Work: Leisure, work, time-budgets and the economic crisis
- RC13 Sociology of Leisure (host committee) and RC53 Sociology of Childhood: Leisure, democracy and diversity of lifestyles: Children and the youth
- RC13 Sociology of Leisure (host committee), RC14 Sociology of Communication, Knowledge and Culture and RC23 Sociology of Science and Technology: Leisure and digital transformation: Emerging patterns of communication and electronic community/ El ocio y las transformaciones digitales/ Les loisirs et les transformations numŽriques
- RC14 Sociology of Communication, Knowledge and Culture and RC25 Language and Society (host committee): Language and discourse in online social media
- RC14 Sociology of Communication, Knowledge and Culture and RC33 Logic and Methodology in Sociology (host committee): Videography and the Analysis of Visual Knowledge and Culture
- RC15 Sociology of Health (host committee) and RC19 Sociology of Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy: Towards better healthcare for all: What matters in the transformation of healthcare systems and policy
- RC15 Sociology of Health and RC52 Sociology of Professional Groups (host committee): Professional governance and health human resource management: The challenges of equality, diversity and inclusion
- RC17 Sociology of Organization (host committee) and RC52 Sociology of Professional Groups: Globalisation and its impacts on professions and organisations
- RC17 Sociology of Organization and RC33 Logic and Methodology in Sociology (host committee): Organizations and Mixed Methods. Possibilities and Requirements of a Meso-Level Sociology
- RC20 Comparative Sociology, RC24 Environment and Society and WG02 Historical and Comparative Sociology (host committee): The sociogenesis of environmental injustice and inequality in Latin America: Historic-comparative sociological approaches
- RC21 Regional and Urban Development (host committee) and RC24 Environment and Society: Cities and climate change
- RC21 Regional and Urban Development (host committee) and RC43 Housing and Built Environment: Housing and the right to the city
- RC21 Regional and Urban Development and RC31 Sociology of Migration (host committee): Migration, migrants and the development of inclusive urban cultures and identities
- RC21 Regional and Urban Development and RC47 Social Classes and Social Movements (host committee): Urban movements in the new metropolitan context
- RC22 Sociology of Religion and RC33 Logic and Methodology in Sociology (host committee): Qualitative Methods in the Sociology of Religion
- RC23 Sociology of Science and Technology (host committee) and RC48 Social Movements, Collective Actions and Social Change: Democratising science and technology through protests and mobilizations for social justice
- RC23 Sociology of Science and Technology and RC32 Women in Society (host committee): Gender, science and technology: Post-colonial and feminist perspectives
- RC24 Environment and Society and RC44 Labor Movements (host committee): Trade unions in the green economy
- RC24 Environment and Society and RC47 Social Classes and Social Movements (host committee): Climate justice, 'buen vivir' and voluntary simplicity: New lifestyles and political commitments
- RC25 Language and Society (host committee) and RC32 Women in Society: The role of language in shaping gender justice and sexual rights movements
- RC25 Language and Society (host committee) and RC54 The Body in the Social Sciences: Empowerment, language and the body
- RC30 Sociology of Work and RC44 Labor Movements (host committee): Innovative approaches to informal work
- RC31 Sociology of Migration and RC55 Social Indicators (host committee): Migration and quality of life
- RC32 Women in Society and RC44 Labor Movements (host committee): Challenging the logic of neoliberalism: Labor-feminist coalitions and work-family policy campaigns
- RC33 Logic and Methodology in Sociology (host committee) and RC41 Sociology of Population: Methodological Challenges and Alternatives to Census Taking in Small Island Developing States
- RC33 Logic and Methodology in Sociology and WG02 Historical and Comparative Sociology (host committee): Process-oriented methodology and theories in historical and comparative sociology
- RC36 Alienation Theory and Research (host committee) and RC48 Social Movements, Collective Actions and Social Change: From alienation to empowerment
- RC47 Social Classes and Social Movements and RC48 Social Movements, Collective Actions and Social Change (host committee): New trends and theoretical approach in the field of social mobilizations and social change
- RC48 Social Movements, Collective Actions and Social Change (host committee) and TG05 Visual Sociology: Visual representation of injustice and exclusion
- TG03 Human Rights and Global Justice (host committee) and TG04 Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty: Risk, human rights and global justice
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