323.5 Education and ethnic-racial relations in the Post-Durban context in Brazil: An intercultural sight over the national curricular policies

Thursday, August 2, 2012: 12:00 AM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Distributed Paper
Michele GUERREIRO F. FREIRE , Programa de pós-graduação em Educação do CAA , Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Caruaru - PE , Brazil
Janssen Felipe DA SILVA , Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Caruaru - PE, Brazil
This study is part of an ongoing research in the Post-Graduate Program in Education of Agrest Academic Center of Federal University of Pernambuco - Brazil. In this paper, we seek based on Post-colonial studies of Latin-American source (CASTRO-GÓMES & GROSFOGUEL, 2007; QUIJANO, 2005, 2007; MIGNOLO, 2005), the relation between the Interculturality and the Curricular Policy of Basic Education in Brazil in Post-Durban context. We started from the presupposed that racism results of a sociological construction and mental of idea race, fruit of a colonial dominance standard founded on the Eurocentric rationality. After the Third World Conference Against Racism, The Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Correlate Intolerance, (2001, Durban – South Africa), that had active participation of the Brazilian Social Movements, the myth of racial democracy (FERNANDES, 1978) it’s demystified in Brazil and, unchains a series of measures of Affirmative Actions. We realized that the fights of social movements interfered in the Curricular Policy aiming to promote the confrontation of ethnic-racial and educational inequalities. Thus, we sought to understand in what perspective of Interculturality Functional or Critic (WASLH, 2007, 2008; SARTORELLO, 2009) – the Curricular Policies is settle down. To SARTORELLO the Functional Perspective serves to the interests of the neo-liberal state aiming a process of subordinated integration of the excluded groups. And the Critic criticizes of the neo-liberal system and considers the Intercultural Education as a right and a mean to transform the subaltern condition of the minorities. From the criteria of Content Analysis (BARDIN, 2004) we selected the corpus proceeded to a documental analysis of the National Curricular Policies (NCPs) that were promulgated in Post-Durban context. The preliminary outcomes indicate that the NCPs go forward in the direction of a consolidation of an education to the ethnic-racial relations evidencing that the cultural difference in the country must be valorized.