84.1 Has the future remained in the past? Experiences of disrespect and the utopia of autonomous life projects

Wednesday, August 1, 2012: 10:45 AM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Oral Presentation
Emil Albert SOBOTTKA , National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Brasilia, Brazil
Maria Eduarda OTA , Social Sciences, Pontifical Catholic University at Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Joao Carlos BASSANI , Social Sciences, Pontifical Catholic University at Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil
In this paper we report results of an empirical research in contexts of poverty and violence. Asking women involved in a social policy program called Pronasci (National Program of Public Security with Citizenship) to speak about their life stories, our research group recurrently collected reports of disrespect to the integrity of the body. These reports were often accompanied by the conviction of having been morally injured, but this consciousness seldom mobilizes indignation toward consistent reactions such as a struggle for recognition or resistance together with other people suffering from the same humiliation. It seems that many of our interviewed women instead of being working out an autonomous life project, they had their future pruned somewhere in the past. This affect their relation to self in different spheres  The text is an attempt to dialogue with the theory of recognition, as formulated by Axel Honneth, in peripheral contexts.