391.3 Front page: Identity and social exclusion in headlines of populars newspapers

Thursday, August 2, 2012: 4:51 PM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Oral Presentation
Carlos Eduardo FIALHO , Sociologia, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Brazil
Tatiana MIRANDA , Secretaria de Educação de Macaé, Macaé, Brazil
Front Page: Identity and social exclusion in headlines of populars newspapers

There is a quite special group of newspapers, which present three subjects invariably in Brazil: the football, the eroticism and the tragedy. These subjects are shown in the capes of the newspapers through photos and small headlines. With appellative way the images show half-naked women, murdered or grotesque and deformed  persons. The content of the texts is mocked and comically, including when the headlines they refer to barbaric crimes.

The analysed newspapers are the "Expresso" and “ Meia-Hora“, that have a quite specific public. In the interviews and development of the survey we notice that the readers of these newspapers, who are persons of “low-schooling”, unemployed or people who occupy menial jobs, were identifying with the characters of the capes of the newspapers, principally in the headlines that show the violence. The crimes shown in the newspapers were happening, invariably, in the peripheric districts and slums. Many readers inclusive knew the involved ones in deaths and crimes. These newspapers show the poor districts only for the slant of the violence and tragedy.

Observing the speeches of the interviewed ones we realize what they recognize like actors who occupy a place that makes part exclusively of the crime, the grotesque thing and the extreme violence. These persons formulate his identities in this place of social exclusion. The principal focus of the work is this: the construction of the identities of the excluded ones through the popular newspapers.