661.5 The socio-economic phenomenology: A relational approaches

Saturday, August 4, 2012: 11:45 AM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Oral Presentation
Francesco VIGLIAROLO , Universidad Nacional de San Martin, Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Socio-economic phenomenology: a relational approches.

This paper wants to present a scientific interpretive basis for analizing economic events such as human and social ones. For these reasons, it afirms that that economic phenomena are above all human actions and as such presupposes a social meanining and intention, voluntary or not, visible or not.

For example, a company is born, lives and develops in a context that is nourished by relationships with others and with the surrounding environment. It’s subject to national and international legal standards in a political and social order that defines it and surpasses it too; it’s made up of workers with a social and human history themselves living in a context made ​​up of individuals related to each other and the context; develops a social function because of the goods it produces to be used in a society by families to live and at the same time the families fed the same companies. A company has sense only in the social context that contains it.

How to interpret such intentions in its social meaning? How to allow such interpretations foremost social? If a socio-economic ratio is carried to its extreme results where you get? And this can help to understand the impact occurs in the social order?

Interpreting the ratio behind the socio-economic phenomena is the role of socio-economic phenomenology. In other words, it studies, analizying and understanding, the economy in the human meaning that animates the actions and the impact they generate in the social order with its extreme consequences and essence.

The paper, as a result of these questions, presents the epistemologies categories by a relational apporches that can interpret these events and the processes that permit build an economy as mirror of human needs and identities, which is named " economic socialization".