Actuality of Diagnostic Procedure and Risks Forecasting in the Ethno-Confessional Sphere
The importance of people estimation of inter-confessional relations is caused by the fact that the people behavior in different social situations depends not so much on what is objectively real state of the social environment, but how this environment is perceived by social actors. Even the most superficial analysis of the empirical material regarding ethno-confessional relations allow to conclude that different social groups (regarding social, demographic, ethnic, religious, territorial characteristics) have different vision of ethno-confessional situation. There is no doubt that the approach to diagnosis of ethnic and religious conflict risks in ethno-confessional area must be considered fully and constructively.
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District is one of the most multi-ethnic regions of Russia. In 2013-2015, a study on «Diagnostic procedure and risks forecasting in the ethno-confessional sphere in YaNAD" was conducted in the district, its aim was to obtain sociological information regarding the status of ethnic and religious spheres.