Rethinking Democracies: Social Movements and Democratic Processes. Part II

Wednesday, July 16, 2014: 5:30 PM-7:20 PM
Room: 418
RC48 Social Movements, Collective Actions and Social Change (host committee)

Language: English

Session Organizers:
Paola REBUGHINI, University of Milan, Italy and Benjamín TEJERINA, Universidad del País Vasco, Spain
Concepts and Practices of (Counter-)Democracy in the 2010s Movements (Oral Presentation)
Geoffrey PLEYERS, Université de Louvain(UCL), Belgium

Social Movement Transformations in the 20th Century: Japanese Experience (Oral Presentation)
Dai NOMIYA, Sophia University, Japan; Makoto NISHIKIDO, Hosei University, Japan

Democratic Upset and the 15-M Movement. the Social Basis of the Political Crisis in Spain (Oral Presentation)
Benjamín TEJERINA, Universidad del País Vasco, Spain

The Squares Movements and the Resurgence of Popular Democracy (Oral Presentation)
Paolo GERBAUDO, King's College London, United Kingdom