Neoliberal Accountability and the Commodification of Education: Local, National, and Global Challenges

Tuesday, 17 July 2018: 15:30-17:20
RC04 Sociology of Education (host committee)

Language: English

Educational accountability has been dominated by Neo-liberal policies and expectations. Neo-liberalism stresses the “marketization” or “commodification” of social life and social institutions (Ball 2003). Neo-liberalism sees the value of an educational system, being a commodity, as couched in its capacity to raise the competitiveness of a nation and more locally in terms of the ratings of schools and school systems.  Social institutions are assessed in terms of their effectiveness (raising achievement based on high-stakes standardized test scores) and their efficiency (reducing costs).  Central to the marketization model is the perception by Neo-liberals that the private sector can sector can provide goods and services of better quality and at a lower, more competitive cost than governments or the public sector. The fate of schools, especially public schools, is determined by passage rates on high-stakes, standardized tests.  Likewise, the fate of nation states depends upon the perceived competitiveness of their future labor forces that are also judged by scores on high-stakes, standardized tests, including PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS, etc.  Schools, school districts, teaching staffs that produce low student test scores are to be replaced and nations whose students score poorly on international standardized tests are to be ignored by multi-national corporations seeking competent labor forces.  Pigozzi (2006) noted that countries with well-educated populations and high scores on standardized tests are likely to strive, while those without such populations and test results tend to stagnate.  Papers in this section should address accountability, Neo-liberalism in education, the commodification of education, and high-stakes testing.
Session Organizer:
Anthony Gary DWORKIN, University of Houston, USA
Oral Presentations
Educational Inequalities in Iran Based on the View Points of Some of the Educational Experts and Qualified Teachers
Mohammad MAZIDI, Shiraz University, Iran; Fatemeh NAZARI, Shiraz university graduate student, Iran
Accountability Policies and Their Effects on Teachers: A Scoping Review of the Literature
Lluis PARCERISA, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Antoni VERGER, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
New Accountability Schemes? Assessing Trends in Educational Assessment and Accountability Procedures in OECD Countries.
Janna TELTEMANN, University of Hildesheim, Germany; Nina JUDE, German Institute for International Educational Research, Germany
The Renegotiation of the Large Scale Assessment’S Heritage on School Evaluation in Europe
Brunella FIORE, INVALSI, Italy; Consuela TORELLI, INVALSI- Italian National Institute of Educational Evaluation, Italy; Donatella POLIANDRI, INVALSI- Italian National Institute of Educational Evaluation, Italy; Michela FREDDANO, INVALSI- Italian National Institute of Educational Evaluation, Italy
Implementing the Human Capital Agenda: The Agency of Corporate Foundations in the Reforms of Public Education in Contemporary Brazil
Miqueli MICHETTI, Fundação Getúlio Vargas - Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo - FGV, Brazil
The Production of Standardized School Assessments: Eclectic Assemblage of Techniques, Rationales and Actors in the Case of Chile
Alejandra FALABELLA, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile; Claudio RAMOS ZINCKE, Department of Sociology, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile
Distributed Papers
The “Misère De l’Éducation” in the Age of Neoliberalism
Elena GREMIGNI, University of Pisa, Italy
The Process of Transnational Higher Education System Creation
Carlos Benedito MARTINS, University of Brasilia, Brazil