Boundaries, Bordering, and Insecurity: Reflections on Violence in Research and in Practice II

Thursday, 19 July 2018: 08:30-10:20
RC01 Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution (host committee)

Language: English

Unavoidably intertwined with theories and practices of violence are boundaries and borders, and more specifically, processes of boundary and border construction, reinforcement, and/or disruption. These processes are of physical and ideational significance in that they constrain and/or enable different types of meanings and actions that are of consequence for security and insecurity. This session calls for investigations into the power and violence of bordering practices given interplays of the material and the social that are constitutive of bordering sites, whether focusing on sites as largely physical or discursive. Papers are not limited by any specific empirical or theoretical direction. Instead a key aim of this session is to encourage engagement with boundary drawing and its effects as relate to (mis)understanding, security decision making, and insecurity through a range of approaches. Through such engagement it is hoped that understandings of power and violence will be discussed from a variety of perspectives that all attend to sociological and theoretical analysis as well as our responsibilities as researchers and teachers engaging with issues of (in)justice.
Session Organizer:
Kathryn FISHER, National Defense University, USA
Kathryn FISHER, National Defense University, USA
Sergio AGUILAR, UNESP, Brazil
Oral Presentations
Social Media, Civil Society and Security Policies: The Case of the Drug War in Mexico.
David RAMÍREZ PLASCENCIA, University of Guadalajara, Mexico
Violating Boundaries in the Name of Self-Governance: The Violence of (Neo)Liberal Intervention
Markus KIENSCHERF, John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany