352.2 Beyond coloniality: Towards diverse epistemic positions

Thursday, August 2, 2012: 2:48 PM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Oral Presentation
Sujata PATEL , Sociology, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India
The paper will dialogue with two positions: the first with contemporary theories of cosmopolitanism and the second with the theories of sociology and coloniality. It will argue that contemporary theories of cosmopolitanism, which includes theories elaborated by Ulrich Beck and Robert Fine continue to express themselves from a position of ‘interiority’ as Enrique Dussel calls it. In this connection, I debate the positions of Sanjay Subramaniam, Gurinder Bhambhra  and Walter Mignolo as also some of the Indian sociologists, such as Bonoy Kumar Sarkar. In the second part of the paper I assert a need to create a global sociology with diverse epistemes and map out a series of steps that helps to build a diverse sociological traditions.