103.4 Actors/movements around nuclear energy and radioactive contamination after 3.11 Fukushima in Japan: From the sociology of action

Wednesday, August 1, 2012: 1:15 PM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Oral Presentation
Eiji HAMANISHI , Department of Contemporary Sociological Studies, Notre-Dame Seishin Univertisy, Okayama, Japan
After 311 Fukushima disasters, many actors/movements around nuclear energy and radioactive contamination are emerging in Japan, and have a power to control the national energy policy. Therefore, gradually people who include sociologists feel reality of the perspective of actor more than that of system that have held a dominant position in the thinking for many years in Japan. Especially, anti-radioactive contamination movements by refugees from Fukushima pref. and their supporters are spreading across Japan. These movements are often regarded as expressions of fear, unrest, and irrational emotion. This paper tries to analyze the subjectivity and complex experiences in these movements from Tourainian's Sociology of Action/Actor.