Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 1 – 4, 2012
“Diaspora” and Complexity of Migration
Héctor Zamorano
Facultad Ciencias Económicas y Estadística (UNR), Argentina
ROSARIO, Internal Migrations: Social INjustice
Nowadays we can see how increase people that live in "slums" around the city, unemployed people. We can see how begging and crimes increases, and how the government assistance for these people that do not stop increasing it is necessary.
Most people have come to Rosario from other parts of our country, some times looking for any kind of activity that let them survive, some times because big companies have expelled the local people to use the land where they lived for centuries.
These people are out of the productive and social system.
As the market rules are not capable to correct all these problems, it is necessary the state intervention.
In this frame work, it is essential to define how sociocybernetics can help to analyze the system and to choose an alternative (make a decision).
First of all, with a sociocybernetics analysis we include the government ideology that is an essential start point (second order cybernetics). In the next step we analyze the problem as something that is produced as a consequence of systemic relationships (circular causalities relationships considering the dynamic of the system). Last but not least what is more important, we can introduce the government concept (feed forward) rather than the control (feed back).
This paper will present a model where it is possible to have an answer to the question "what would happen if ...?”. So we can test our hypothesis without affecting the real system. It is a model of an interesting health policy we have in the city of Rosario.