The most interesting part of the concept is how the interaction between layers is described and conceptualized. In systems theory the approach to “living systems” by J.G. Miller already dealt with such “cross-level” hypotheses.
A firm possibility to give the approach a solid fundament is to proceed from philosophical explorations. Nicolai Hartmann’s philosophy could provide such a fundament. He developed an ontology comprising several layers (or levels of ontological description) with a distinction between culture and nature in a first step, and a refinement with a distinction between soul and mind in the sphere of culture and organic and anorganic aspects in the sphere of nature. However, the concept is a non-dualistic one: all the mentioned aspects could appear in the different phenomena. Therefore, also human beings or societal systems show properties associated with different ontological descriptions.
The concepts introduced above are discussed according to applications to society-environment-interactions, especially in the field of technological changes (e.g. the energy sector).