342.1 Identity and socialization within an established field: The case of physicians in Italy

Thursday, August 2, 2012: 2:30 PM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Oral Presentation
Lorenzo SPERANZA , Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy
Identity and socialization are symmetrical concepts. Identity includes the capability of a subject not only to recognise themselves (externalisation of subjectivity), but also to be recognised by others (internalisation of objectivity), that is each individual socializes by internalizing external values which make themselves socially identifiable. Identity is then a result of reciprocal recognition and the identity of the ego is possible only thanks to the identity of the other who recognizes me. No one is able to build his/her own identity independent of other people’s recognition and when this occurs this will be a segregated identity. Empirical examples of this situation can be found in the initial stages of the formation of collective players, children at a certain developmental age, subjects in marginal counter-culture and in sects. The duality of the concept of identity can be expressed empirically analysing the findings of a research based on semi-structured interviews with forty doctors from Southern Italy and distinguishing the choice of medicine (motivations, calculations, specific events, natural dispositions and so on, which can all lead to internalization of social pressure, that is to socialization) from what is under a doctor’s direct working experience (patients, techniques, emotions, action, physical skills, variety, research and analysis, all indications of externalisation of subjectivity). Finally, socialization will be connected not only to shared educational credentials, professional training, working culture, membership within professional associations, but also to familiar background.