357.5 Transnational hegemony, knowledge base and contestation

Thursday, August 2, 2012: 3:18 PM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Distributed Paper
Adebayo NINALOWO , Sociology, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria

The phenomenon of so-called globalization is deemed to be a multiplicity of influences that should be more properly designated as neo-imperialism, or conceptually better still - it is to be dubbed as transnatioal hegemony. Salient dimensions or consequences of  multi-lateral expressions of domination, that is, socio-cultural, political, socio-economic and military; for which computerized satellite information communication technology (SICT) is a key facilitator or catalyst, amount to moments of unequal exchange within and across dominant as well as subordinate societies . Aguably, both the realities and perceptions of multi-dimensional unequal exchange are, to a limited or greater extent, construed within the realm of knowledge repertoire (or base) in a given society. The knowledge base being understood not just as institutional or formal training, but it also entails ontologically accruable socio-political conciousness.

Consequently, moments of unequal exchange within the dynamics of transnational hegemony, more often than not, invoke crisis of legitimation or outright contestation. Therein lies the tripartite dialectical linkages of transnational hegemony with the knowledge base of a given society and contestation.