6.4 The ideal body to the body that speaks: An appropriation of Goffman and Becker for the formation of sociology of the body

Wednesday, August 1, 2012: 10:00 AM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Dulce FILGUEIRA DE ALMEIDA , Sociology and Physical Education, Brasilia University, Brasília, Brazil
Alessandra Matos TERRA , Brasilia University, Brazil
Mario Machel AMBROSIO , Brasilia University, Brasília, Brazil
The social production of bodies in the everyday of different cultures is object of interest and research of humanities and social sciences, intercepting in disciplines such as Sociology, Anthropology and Education. Based on that, the understanding of the dilution and fluidity of boundaries between the disciplines is reflected in research and investigations on this issue. This work - part of the project Body and Society – has the aim to analyze the bibliographic of the production on the subject body, comprising in particular the relation with the technical body, the conception of the ideal body and the body language of the deaf, here understood as bodies that are used as producers of the speech. For this purpose, we performed a literature research centered on interpretive categories presented in the works of Goffman “The presentation of self in everyday”, “Stigma” and “Rituals of interaction” and in the book “Outsiders” from Becker. The reading and interpretation of these works led to the construction of a conceptual design to guide the research based on studies of Sociology of the Body in the contemporary context, particularly based on the notions of stigma, face, pattern and deviation. Those notions were considered crucial for understanding the meaning of what is the pattern of the ideal body as well as what is considered out of that pattern (outsider), because it is different to the conventional, i. e., the body as an expression of  body language that produces the speech in deaf people.