289.4 The global info-cash (GIC) as practical way for Europe to emerge of the cultural and economic crises

Thursday, August 2, 2012: 1:30 PM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
George GANTZIAS , Cultural Technology & Communication, University of the Aegean, Athens, Greece
Digital technology has changed the traditional way in which we communicate, express our ideas, understand freedom and make transactions in our everyday life. In 2011, more than 50 per cent of the world’s population had access to some combination of mobile phones, the Internet users are about two billion. The broadband subscribers are more than 100 million and the majority of transactions are digital in the global free market economy. The cultural and economic crisis is an opportunity, not a barrier, in that it provides the European countries with a platform from which distinctive solutions can emanate. European political and economic cultures should be reformed due to recent monetary crisis in order Europe to be an active player in the info-communication globalisation. This paper examines and analyses the role of the info-communication globalisation in recent cultural and economic crisis. It introduces the digital form of currency and the cultural economy as analytical ‘tools’ to examine the European crisis. Moreover, it analyses the European crisis together with the recent crisis in the USΑ. Finally, it strongly recommends that a practical way for Europe and the USA to emerge from the recent cultural and economic crisis is: to switch off the physical form of the Euro and dollar currencies, i.e. the cash payments using different currencies such as the Euro and the Dollar and switch on the digital form of single currency the Global Info-Cash (GIG), i.e. the info-cash payment using the digital subdivision of the Global Info-Cash, such as Info-CashGR and Info-CashUSA.