690.8 Illegal activities in the agricultural production in the province of Córdoba, Argentina. An approximation to the economic organized crime in the rural area

Saturday, August 4, 2012: 11:48 AM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Antonella COMBA , Social Change, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Illegal activities in the agricultural production in the Province of Córdoba, Argentina. An approximation to the Economic Organized Crime in the rural area

The Economic Organized Crime it’s a way of criminal functioning where actors and representatives of the private sector and actors and institutions of the public sector are connected through a symbiotic relationship which allows the coordination of an organized criminal network that, while remains unpunished, produces wide economic benefits.

Nowadays in Argentina we are before the hegemony of the agro business model and the “sojización” of the agricultural activity where the big transnational companies, the exporters of cereals and oleaginous, the “big sojeros” and pools of sowing, have a fundamental role. It is in this complex scene where we observe a proliferation of white collar crimes. We consider that this type of crime shows how certain agents are not punished in the same way as “common delinquents” but, on having been identified as white collar criminals, they suffer soft or none actions of control and penalty, generating in this way a selective punishment.

In the following work we will analyze how and why the illegal activities realized in the agricultural sector in the province of Córdoba, Argentina, enjoy of great impunity. We will describe the differential administration of the penal justice of the federal courts of this province, in the measure that these actors and crimes receive a civil or administrative punishment rather than a penal sanction, functioning this way as "collector" courts.  

We consider pertinent to describe and to analyze the Economic Organized Crime and the selectivity of the penal justice in a concrete phenomenon as are the criminal actions of the emergent actors of agro business and soybean exploitation.

Key words: Economic Organized Crime- agricultural activity- white collar crime- selective punishment