261.2 Status of elderly in modern family structure

Thursday, August 2, 2012: 11:00 AM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Oral Presentation
Balamurugan J , Department of Sociology, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, India
Gopalsamy RAMATHIRTHAM , Department of Sociology, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, India

Population ageing implies the ageing of family and kinship networks. Because the absolute number of the frail elderly is set to increase, notwithstanding the increase in life expectancy in good health, a top-heavy intergenerational chain is likely both to put stress on the middle generation, and result in the older and younger generations competing for their support where Pondicherry, India not an exception. The familial care of elderly is undergoing a process of change in accordance with the changes in the family structure. The elderly people face verbal admonition through passive neglect to active forms of humiliation, harassment, physical violence etc..

In the present study to understand the socio-economic and health status of rural elderly in the study area and an attempt was made to understand the personal life style, living arrangements and familial relationship of elderly in the families. Descriptive research design with purposive sampling methods has been undertaken. The interview schedule was used to collect primary date for this study. The statuses of the elder’s are more just after their retirement with gender difference. Those elderly who are single face difference status in their family. At the time of illness they are very much depend upon others for their daily works. Nevertheless, the elder in Puducherry are dissatisfied with their own social life form different aspects. The present study analyses the status of elderly in all aspects. Government support by old age homes is never replaced by the familial care to the elderly. However, the over all the status of elderly in terms of social security drags them to be abused, where single elderly spouse feel more isolated.