471.1 Democracy and inequality: Socioeconomic impacts in the satisfaction with the regime

Friday, August 3, 2012: 10:45 AM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Oral Presentation
Rosana CAMPOS , UFSM, Santa Maria, Brazil
Christiane S.S CAMPOS , UFSM-CESNORS, Brazil
Latinobarometer Data shows that satisfaction with democratic regime in Brazil has increased on the last years. In the same time, poverty, unemployment and income inequality have decreased and education indicators, basic services and income average are growing. This article shows relationship between inequality condictions and democracy satisfaction in Brazil. Time-series analysis(2001-2009) on poverty, unemployment, income, basic services, satisfaction with the regime and a statistical analisys, Pearson correlation, verified a strong – moderate correlation between variables, confirming that one of central points that influence citizen perceptions on democracy is correlationed with social and economic aspects. In this way, this research discuss on the difference between procedural and substancial democracy, confirmying that the citizens need and want a democratic regime beyond free elections and freedom of the press. More than 60% of Brazilians support the regim, but the satisfaction is linked with a democratic regime that offers good conditions of life. This is a strong cause that explain why only 38% of population are satisfied with the brazilian democracy.