303.2 "International reports and the reform in education: Reflections on learning”

Thursday, August 2, 2012: 12:50 PM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Oral Presentation
sandra Maria SAWAYA , Filosofia e Ciencias da Educação, Faculdade de Educação Universidade de São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

The reflections on the nature of the Subject brought by philosophy, critical sociology and psychology, in view of the so-called crisis of modernity in contemporary culture, have produced a critical reading of pedagogical propositions about individual training in the globalized society. In the process of examining the generating matrices of pedagogical models on student’s collective and individual training, these reflections reveal that the hegemonic concept of training today, in spite of having placed students, their learning and their development at the core of educational concerns, is actually distant from the proposal of educating human beings. Despite the much disseminated concept of training for self-determination and autonomy of the individual, we are before a reductionist concept of training as far as the current system of education is concerned. In other words, nowadays training finds itself deeply affected by other constraints (Flickinger, 2009, p. 65) and far away from any commitment to the roots that have founded its modern concept, which lay back to the ethical connotations of paideia and the expectation of achieving the ideal of self-determination through “buildung”. Thus, despite the claims in favor of training for freedom and individual autonomy, this is not the case.
This paper critically examines the reasons that defined the centrality of students and their training in international reports which have also influenced reforms in Brazil. It seeks to understand the attempts for reform and their project of training, by means of examining how the perceptions and reactions vis-à-vis  the world are organized and how the conceptions of "self" and subjectivity training are proposed. Since the student as an individual has occupied a prominent place in contemporary educational thought, the projects related to his/her training have been in the middle of conflicting views that yield to contradictions within the very process of training.