Friday, August 3, 2012: 9:20 AM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Oral Presentation
This paper partially analyzes the results of a research financed by the Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración de España [Spanish Ministry of Labour and Immigration] on the socioeconomic incorporation of Brazilian immigrants in Spain. This is elaborated paying special attention to the “common places” that make up the labour stories of Brazilians in Barcelona and Madrid. The text discusses three aspects of the incorporation into the labour world done by the Brazilian collective:
1 - Their prominence in the general commercial/business milieu and their role in the (re)construction of their social visibility in Spain;
2 – Brazilian women incorporation into the labour force, from a gender perspective;
3 - Different individual trajectories of the Brazilians and their different position in the "hierarchy of otherness" of immigration in Spain.
Apart from showing the main quantitative data about the Brazilian immigrants in Spain, the article also discusses how the unique heterogeneity of this group in Madrid and Barcelona brings about different incorporation patterns into labour force in comparison to other Latin American groups living in Spain.