511.3 Law and technological innovation: The (new) challenges of employment of nanotechnology

Friday, August 3, 2012: 11:15 AM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Oral Presentation
Wilson ENGELMANN , Programa de Pós Graduação em Direito, University of the Valley of Sinos River (UNISINOS), Dois Irmãos, Brazil
Augusto Zimmer RODRIGUES , Programa de Pós Graduação em Direito, University of the Valley of Sinos River (UNISINOS), Sapiranga, Brazil
Since the advent of nanotechnology the application of the concept of innovation begins to have a significant importance, because these new technology offers a expressive potential to transform products and processes, favoring the emergence of novel properties in production demands. Emerge nanotechnologies, that promise to change people's lives and provides the backdrop for the emergence of new rights, without precedent in those existing at the moment. One of the characteristics of technological evolution, and rests in this distinctive sign the need for a deeper reflection, is that all living beings, including their habitats, may somehow be subject directly or indirectly to the product of these changes , in the measure of his greatness and complexity. The law, however, is tasked with ensuring minimum sustainability and protection of these transformations affected from the field of nanotechnology. Moreover, there is a need for innovation in the law, in other words, a process in the interior of normative structure in the face of new challenges of nano-scale technologies, as these changes occur very quickly and with minimal input from the Human Sciences.