652.3 The meaning of better of life: Un study between rural worker migrant of são paulo-Brazil

Saturday, August 4, 2012: 11:15 AM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Lidiane MACIEL , IFCH/ Unicamp-SP-Brazil., Studant of Pos-graduate, Campinas, Brazil
This master papers – article -  attempt to social action’s sense of migrate. The research was means which general notion of this sense relates to perspective of to grown better means of life. This change to better on your turn change, in fact, familiar arrangement than in original place as last place. The research was been at São Carlos/SP- Braziland has how fieldwork two peripheral villages built at scope of this municipal urban expansion process. Was happen 15 qualitative interviews with rural migrates who we tried mapping the changes in familiar arrangements conditioned by migration and the general meanings of the expression grown better of life.