287.1 Global society making: Transnational occupation with sociocracy and sociodiplomacy

Thursday, August 2, 2012: 12:30 PM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Oral Presentation
Jelica STEFANOVIC-STAMBUK , International Studies, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Political Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia
More articulated alternative projects of just social organization from local levels to the level of global society are emerging out of the most recently undertaken protestations. The Occupy brand of contestation practices is distinctly productive in that vein.

Apart from the alternative project for equitable intrasocietal organization the Occupy actors have articulated the principles for nonhegemonic international society and just global society. So far the articulated alternative one comes close to already theoretically sketched sociocracy in respect to its very reason and substance as well as prescribed why and expected how to reach this form of just social organization.

On the other hand the construction of global counter-hegemonic social project similar to the locally assembled sociocratic one was less expected. The obstacles of cultural and language differences, barriers of exclusive national identities, the executive's near-monopoly on governing international affairs and if not outright hostility than vocal silence of mainstream global media on global occupy movement and "worldwide occupations" are suspected to thwart their trajectory to assembling transnationally any viable global counter-project. Contrary to such wisdom "G20 Statement form Occupy London", published by Occupylsx on November, 2 2011, has offered the beginning of a dialogue in assemblies around the world on alternative global project through collaborative partnership for developing common vision. Thus, global occupy movement relying on diplomatic power, as an ability to get consent by offering others what they want, how and when they want it, has ventured into sociodiplomacy. It is the global society constitution through diplomatic power sourced from the widest possible inclusion (99%), respect for every societal entrepreneur (since society is the only too big to fail), disintermediation and personal accountability, collaboration in proposing, dialoguing and developing vision of social alternatives, in assembly built consensus on rules and decisions and partnership for making and taking actions.