133.2 The social indicators monitor: Simon

Wednesday, August 1, 2012: 12:50 PM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Oral Presentation
Anne BALZ , Continuous monitoring of society, Gesis: Center for Social Indicator research, Mannheim, Germany
Kristina KRELL , Continous monitoring of society, Gesis: Center for Social Indicator research, Mannheim, Germany
SIMon is an online information system and allows comfortable access to the time series data from two systems of social indicators developed and maintained by the Social Indicators Research Centre of GESIS (http://www.gesis.org/en/services/data-analysis/social-indicators/simon-social-indicators-monitor/):

The German System of Social Indicators is an instrument that has been developed with a view to monitor well-being – in terms of objective living conditions as well as subjective quality of life – and social change in Germany. Covering 14 life domains, the System includes almost 400 indicators with a total of more than 3000 time series. The European System of Social Indicators is an instrument to be used to continuously monitor and analyze the individual and societal well-being of European citizens in terms of quality of life, social cohesion and sustainability as well as changes in the social structure of European societies. The European System of Social Indicators covers the current EU-27 member states, Norway and Switzerland as well as Japan and the United States as two major reference societies. At present there are time series data available for roughly 650 indicators from 9 out of the projected 13 life-domains.

The Social Indicators Monitor - SIMon

  • allows to browse and select indicators according to users‘ needs (hierarchical and geographical data selection modes)
  • allows to visualize and display data as charts (e.g. line chart, bar chart, scatterplot, boxplot), maps and tables
  • provides tools for table manipulation and basic data analysis
  • allows to print and export data and charts in different formats (PDF, Excel-Tables, JPG, HTML) to be used in other applications
  • provides efficient search and help functions
  • allows bilingual utilization (English, German) for the German Indicator System