227.3 The transnational positions of male Chinese-Singaporean migrants and their social integration in transnational spaces

Thursday, August 2, 2012: 9:40 AM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Oral Presentation
Caroline PLUSS , Sociology, Nanyang Technological Universtiy, Singapore, Singapore
The Transnational Positions of Male Chinese-Singaporean Migrants and their Social Integration in Transnational Spaces

This presentation presents conceptual and theoretical ideas in order to generate an analayical model—transnational positions— that can analyze the subjective perceptions of (in)equalities of the 22 male Chinese-Singaporean transnational migrants when they attempted to access desired cultural, social, economic, and/or political resources in their transnational contexts, which they constructed through migration. The proposed model, by deconstructing the Chinese male migrants’ performances of their transnational positions, can undertake in-depth analysis of thick data in order to explain how the transnational migrants’ performances of their ‘transnational positions’ is related to their subjective experiences of (in)equalities when attempting to access desired resources in their transnational spaces and to their social integration in the different places in which these male transnational migrants lived.