60 Distinguished Speaker Panel: Emerging Issues in the Sociology of Mental Health

Wednesday, August 1, 2012: 10:45 AM-12:15 PM
NB 432 (Faculty of Economics)

RC49 Mental Health and Illness (host committee)
Session Organizer:
Bronwen LICHTENSTEIN, University of Alabama, USA
Bronwen LICHTENSTEIN, University of Alabama, USA
Gender roles and changing patterns of mental health
William COCKERHAM, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA; Carrie BETCHER, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA

New developments in social support practices and private-public collaborations (Oral)
Breno FONTES, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil

Sleeping and texting with my phone: Implications for mental health and sexual health promotion among black and Latino young men who have sex with men
Matt MUTCHLER, AIDS Project Los Angeles, USA; Sheba GEORGE, Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science, USA; Bryce MCDAVITT, AIDS Project Los Angeles, USA; Robert PHILLIPS, University of Manitoba, Canada; Wallis ADAMS, Northeastern University, USA