48 Age- and Gender- based Inequalities: Recent Research and Challenges

Wednesday, August 1, 2012: 10:45 AM-12:15 PM
NB 440 (Faculty of Economics)

RC11 Sociology of Aging (host committee)

Language: English
Session Organizers:
Clary KREKULA, Karlstads Universitet, Sweden and Neal KING, Virginia Tech, USA
Julie MCMULLIN, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Aging, frailty, and intimacy: The gendered experience of close relationships among adults 75+ who have multiple chronic conditions (Oral Presentation)
Laura HURD CLARKE, University of British Columbia, Canada; Erica BENNETT, The University of British Columbia, Canada

Vejez, género y pobreza: Estrategias de reproducción de los hogares en el barrio el Sur (Distributed Paper)

Older women's employment: Pension crisis and crisis of care (Oral Presentation)
Sally BOULD, University of Delaware, USA; Sara CASACA, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal

Age and gender in brazilian self-help books (Oral Presentation)
Talita CASTRO, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil

Gender equality politics and age relations in workplaces (Oral Presentation)
Clary KREKULA, Karlstad University, Sweden

Migrantship and old age: Intersecting social positions (Oral Presentation)
Laura MACHAT-FROM, Linköping University, Sweden

See more of: RC11 Sociology of Aging
See more of: Research Committees