Dis/Acknowledging Military Violence:
Women Soldiers Testify Against the Occupation
In analyzing WBS testimonies, we found that the women soldiers offer a critical gendered voice based on their direct experiences in the OPT and their military professional skills, yet at the same time, they expressed of lack of certainty in their military knowledge. We argue that the ongoing tension between knowing and not knowing constitutes the meta-narrative that organizes the women’s testimonies, and stems mostly from the women’s dual positioning in the military, as “outsiders within”. For women soldiers, therefore, the challenge of giving testimony lies in overcoming the gendered silencing mechanisms underlying their position in a hyper- masculine organization. From this uneasy standpoint, they criticize Israeli militarism, yet compared to men soldiers, the women’s testimonies serve less as a means of self-rehabilitation, and more as ethical and political statements. Thus, the women’s testimonies are a political and a feminist act at the same time: They protest the occupation while offering a new politics of gender and knowledge.