Violence and Gender Relations: Contexts and Consequences of Violence Against Women and Men, Virage

Tuesday, 12 July 2016: 16:00
Location: Elise Richter Saal (Main Building)
Oral Presentation
Christelle HAMEL, Ined, France
Magali MAZUY, Ined, France
Mathieu TRACHMAN, Ined, France
The national survey on violence against women (Enquête nationale sur les violences envers les femmes, ENVEFF) conducted in 2000 was the first scientific operation in France to measure the extent of violence against women. Almost fifteen years on, INED has lunch a new survey that aims to update and extend statistical knowledge of violence against women and will broaden the field of investigation to include the male population. The project thus comprises a large-scale quantitative survey entitled Violences et rapports de genre : contextes et conséquences des violences subies par les femmes et par les hommes (Violence and gender relations: contexts and consequences of violence against women and men, VIRAGE) on a sample of 27,000 respondents (13,500 women and 13,500 men) aged 20-69.

Violence is a heterogeneous phenomenon that must be described in its full complexity and diversity. The aim is thus to establish a typology of forms of violence that will serve to distinguish victims' situations according to the type, frequency, context and consequences of the violence to which they are subjected. As the survey covers both men and women, this typology will provide a means to determine the degree of similarity and difference between the experiences of men and women as victims of violence. By identifying the gender of the perpetrators, the survey will also seek to describe the violence committed by men and by women and to place the study of violence in the context of gender relations.

Particular attention will be paid to studying victims' trajectories. How does violence alter victims' health and well-being, educational, employment, affective and sexual trajectories?

An other purpose is to fill the knowledge gap in certain areas, such as violence in the workplace, and to target minorities such as migrants, homosexual persons and disabled persons.