Feminization of Old Age in India: Experiences of Subalternity in Urban Spaces
Until recently ageing women have not been considered a subject requiring serious attention in India. Most of the studies on old age have adopted a gender neutral approach to the problems of ageing. It is an paradox that the feminist movement has marginally addressed this issue even though gender along with social, economic and political factors has a profound impact on how people age, thus making ageing a gendered experience. The question remains why ageing has not been taken up as a feminist issue in India. Why this marginalization of the elderly women? The aim of this paper is to bring forth the issue to the centre and give an insight into the reasons for their vulnerability.
The paper deliberates on the various perspectives of subalternity and takes a look into feminist framework for understanding ageing women’s issue. Bringing the narratives and experiences of the elderly women from urban areas will help in drawing strategy to empower younger women within life cycle dynamics so that they experience a more socially dynamic and healthy ageing.