Social Responsibility and Hospitals: An Overview about Values, Programs and Networks of Partnerships

Thursday, 14 July 2016
Location: Hörsaal 32 (Main Building)
Distributed Paper
Monica FREITAS, Faculty of Social Science, Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal
Maria Joao SANTOS, High Institute of Economics and Management, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Rui SANTOS, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal
Few studies tried to understand the values and the practices of social responsibility in the hospitals including in Portugal still today (Oliveira, 2012).

These studies highlighted social responsibility as being merely the result of the implementation of the biomedical model in the health. Much authors considered these studies inconsistent, because they did not contemplate the relational aspect that characterizes any concept of social responsibility (Zadeck, 2004).

The international institutions defend social responsibility as being the voluntary introduction of issues like as social equity, sustainable environment, competitivity and prevention of diseases in the strategic choices and in the networks of partnerships consolidated by managers of healthcare sector, with the goal to maintain universal coverage to all citizens and high level of quality of services produced EU (2001), UNESCO (2010).

We propose in this paper, study how the managers understand, formulate and justify the social responsibility concept through the analyzing of discourses, programs and network of partnerships. 

The main goal of this study was identify and analyze the values (Garriga and Melé, 2004), the motivations (Almeida, 2010) and the logics of justification for social responsibility (Boltanski and Thévénot, 1991) invoked by managers in three different hospitals.

We believe that this study was very important because highlighted the main potentialities and the threats encountered by this sector.

This sector was conducted to adopt new management models and practices, typical of private sector (Silvestre, 2005), objectifying to catch simultaneously the sustainable management of financial resources and the universal access to the health services by the citizens.

The national agenda for the health sector PNS (2012-2016) defined social responsibility as the efforts that organizations and professionals dispense to create positive determinants of health.