The Transformation of Reflexivity and Japanese Market

Thursday, 14 July 2016: 10:00
Location: Hörsaal 15 (Juridicum)
Oral Presentation
Machiko NAKANISHI, Chukyo University, Japan
 The purpose of my presentation is to discuss the transformation of reflexivity and to study reflexivity in the Japanese market. Reflexivity refers to the concept of reflecting oneself in the presence of others, and discovering oneself by other’s reflections. By repeating this feedback process, we change who we are. In self-reflexivity agent reflects on itself. Institutional reflexivity refers to social conditions upon which agent reflects.

Anthony Giddens thinks it is very important for reflexivity to be based on sociological and linguistic foundations. He suggests many personal habits become collective as they are shaped by commodification, or as a result of the influences of institutional reflexivity. Urlich Beck distinguishes reflection as self-conscious and reflexivity as autonomous. He defines the autonomous, undesired, and unseen transition from industrial to risk society.

Scott Lash criticizes Beck and Gidddens, as they presuppose that reflexivity is essentially cognitive and institutional. He draws attention to the aesthetic dimension of reflexivity than the cognitive. He insists capitalism opens up possibilities not only cognitive but also aesthetic reflexivity. Aesthetic reflexivity is fundamentally mimetic in nature, and is in the tradition of European modernism in the arts. It can be seen in the expressive individualism in contemporary consumer capitalism. He also argues about hermeneutic reflexivity.

The concept of reflexivity changes according to social change. The senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch are changed by markets and, globalized by commodification. Including senses, emotions, and consumer behavior etc., new reflexivities can be born and transform themselves according to markets, which I call market reflexivity.

I conclude that in the global information society, market reflexivity will change us more radically and quickly than at present. It is important especially for Japanese, to be conscious of market reflexivity to predict its future affects and other reflexivities that may arise.