Round Table: Population Problems in India

Monday, 11 July 2016: 10:45
Location: Elise Richter Saal (Main Building)
Oral Presentation
Gurusamy SELLAMUTHU, Sociology, Gandhigram University, Dindigul, India
The social structure in India perpetuates inequality owing to caste, class, occupation, education and regional disparities.  Population policy pursued with the aim of achieving a demographic transition has not resulted in effective population control. The health and welfare measures of governments in India have improved life expectancy and reduced post natal and infant mortality, but they have not drastically improved the quality of life due to the prevalence of socio-economic problems of poverty, unemployment, child labour, migration etc. The brain drain, particularly concentrated among the higher echelons, and technically educated employment has reduced the birth rate but the National Increase Rate (NIR) in India continues to remain positive as the result of higher birth rates and larger family size among the marginalized groups and communities in India. The National Health Mission (NHM) launched at the macro level has not brought about the desired results at the micro levels. Therefore, a demographic transition which focuses on lower fertility and lower mortality are needed to ensure positive demographic developments in India. This round table will discuss the following issues:
  1. Family welfare and Population quality
  2. Fertility and marginalized communities
  3. Tribal Population and Population dynamics
  4. Population and Socio Economic problems
  5. National Health Mission and Population control
  6. Rural-Urban and Regional Disparities
  7. Population Education and Optimum Population
  8. Demographic Transition and Population Quality
  9. Social Structure and Population Problems