Industrial Relocation and Social Processes : The Case of Tanger (Morocco) .
But the impetus given to this local area, to make it economically competitive in the global economy has led to major social and economic changes. The socio-demographic structure of the area has changed; internal migration has been significant, on many occasions turning this border area into a stepping stone to international labour migration, the jobs offered are level low quality, and economic insecurity for workers is a fact of life. The development model based on export-oriented industrialization may generate significant socio-economic expectations, but it can also lead to great frustration.
In order to analyse the process taking place, this research, funded by the National R+D1 plan of Spain’s Ministry of Science and Innovation, has been carried out with the following objectives:
1. To analyse the structural elements shaping the process of industrial relocation in the region.
2. To study the factors that explain the actions of the subjects involved.
Our point of departure is methodological complementarity; we have used in-depth interviews as a technique to produce data, carrying out a total of 96 interviews with workers in the export industry, business people, trade unions and associations, in addition to carrying out a statistical analysis based on secondary sources.