Youth Civic Participation in Iran: Explanations and Prospects
At the meso level, it is the case for existing participatory institutions and mechanisms to suffer from various shortcomings including: incomplete coverage of various groups, unequal access to and use of their services and benefits, narrow minded approaches and views in supporting various youth subgroups, elitist and non-democratic nature of some youth related institutions, government based or state oriented nature and inadequate autonomy of some other bodies, as well as lack of an Umbrella Youth Body (representing all youth and youth-related entities).
At the micro level, it is evident from existing research that young people do not find the society and its environment suitable enough for their maximum participation, despite their high level of willingness and interest. It is of special importance to mention the role of such variables as sense of efficacy, generalized and institutional trust, sense of belonging and commitment in promoting or hindering youth participation.
Young people are now seeking new styles and spaces for engagement and therefore it is a vital agenda for youth policy in Iran to address existing barriers at the above-mentioned levels.