A New Look at Male Participation in Domestic Work and Childcare in Mexico

Tuesday, 12 July 2016: 10:55
Location: Hörsaal 41 (Main Building)
Oral Presentation
Olga ROJAS, El Colegio de México, Mexico
Mario MARTINEZ, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexico
Having in mind recent results coming from social research about domestic male participation in Mexico, that have highlighted about important changes among young male generations who are increasing the time and attention they give to their children, we analyze data coming from the National Time Use Survey of 2009. We used a multivariate statistical analysis in order to confirm such evidences and to deepen in the study of the level of male participation, considering the real time engaged in housework and child care. Our results confirm and update previous findings about a generational change and provide additional evidences about some sociodemographic characteristics of Mexican men involved in such change.