Socio-Economic Implications of Japanese Hospitals Accepting Foreign Nurses Under Bilateral Agreements: Analysis of the Cognitive Burdens of the Hospitals
In the present study, correlations between socio-economic factors and cognitive burdens, represented by laborious and emotionally strained work of the hospitals on supporting foreign nurses were tested through bivariate and multivariate analysis. The strongest indicator of the level of cognitive burden was a given hospital’s number of beds (beta=.384, p<0.05), followed by the type of hospital as a private institution (beta=.335, p<0.05), and the tendency of financial evaluation made by hospitals regarding their profitability should foreign nurses continue in employment over the long terms with the same institution that support them (beta=-.271, p<0.05).
The analysis indicate that the size and management system of the hospitals and likelihood of job settlement of foreign nurses after they pass the examination may be a factor correlated with the cognitive burdens of the hospitals accepting foreign nurses under the program.