Epistemology for a Sociopoetics on Dwelling
My research question is: What epistemological, sociological and artistic integrated processes might be constructed to look for a sociopoetics that aims to transform representations and practices of inhabiting our city? To achieve that porpuse I have integrated a theoretical corpus under a systemic perspective based on the Adaptive Model for Social Analysis.[1] Formed by: a) Piaget and Rolando Garcia’s genetic and constructivist epistemology, b) Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of habitus[2] and, c) a block of artistic, architectonic, urbanistic and philosophical discourses on dwelling. With these basis I can face the challenge to have a better understanding of the habitus of dwelling organized as a complex social system, and it also guides me into constructing an artistic practice that I call sociopoetics.
As part of the results of such sociopoetics, I present the project called “Ciudad en segundo piso/Pie de casa de azotea” as a series of artistic, architectural and urbanistic proposals designed by myself to come up with better ways of living within Mexico City’s chaotic environment.
[1] Amozurrutia, J. (2011). Complejidad y Ciencias Sociales. Un modelo adaptativo para la investigación interdisciplinaria. México. CEIICH-UNAM
[2] García R. (2000). El conocimiento en Construcción. España. Gedisa, y Bourdieu, Pierre. (1997). Razones Prácticas. Sobre la teoría de la acción. Barcelona. Anagrama y (2012). La Distinción. Criterio y bases sociales del gusto. México. Taurus