New Managerialism As the Organizational Form of Neoliberalism
New managerialism comprised three strategic elements: a narrative of strategic change, an organisational form inculcating market values and practices into public sector organisations, and a set of control technologies premised on measurement, calculation, and disregard for the relational caring self. It focused on outputs over inputs, instituting a language of competition, choice and customers over cooperation, care and citizenship. What were framed as ‘purely technical’ or ‘operational’ changes in public sector organisations, have in fact been major cultural and valuational shifts in the organisation of public sector work, changes that are, in certain ways, highly gendered.
As the implementation of managerialism across educational sectors has been quite different, not least due to the variable power and resistance of trade unions (Grummell and Lynch, 2015), the paper will highlight the complex interface between, the state, capital and the professions in the implementation of the new managerial project.