Polarization of Labor Market: Careers and Mobility of PhD Holders

Sunday, 10 July 2016: 09:45
Location: Hörsaal 6A P (Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG))
Oral Presentation
Natalia SHMATKO, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
Yurij KATCHANOV, National Research University - Higher School of Economics, Russia
The statistics demonstrate a constant growth of PhD holders’ population, and problems that they are facing with employment in different countries. On the one hand, recent PhDs who are unsuccessfully trying to find tenure-track positions in academia are concerned with their long-term investments into getting a PhD degree not being repaid. On the other hand, statistics from different countries evidences that the employment rate and income are higher among PhD holders compared to those who do not have a PhD degree. The science community is increasingly challenged by open access to scientific research findings and by online learning courses. Discussions go beyond purely knowledge and technology transfer linkages. It is argued the universities skills base incorporated in the researchers’ competences a vital element of universities intellectual capital which should be included in the performance evaluation frameworks for universities.
The paper addresses the recent trends in the PhD’s Labor Market, the employment and the role that dedicated training can play in enhancing employability and career outcomes of doctorate holders.
The career paths of doctorates are explored based on three types of mobility: inter-sectoral, intra-sectoral and international mobility. The analysis is based on the evidences collected during two empirical studies conducted in 2010-2014 in the framework of the international project “Careers of Doctorate Holders” (OECD, Eurostat, UNESCO Institute for Statistics). А study among PhD holders employed in research institutes, universities, and enterprises was carried out. The career trajectories are addressed in terms of career employment and effects on productivity (publications, patents, salary). This analysis is complemented by a second major issue, which aims to understand the role of motivations in decision-making processes concerning career paths.