Competence Approach - a Blessing or a Tragedy for the Russian Education

Sunday, 10 July 2016: 14:30
Location: Hörsaal 47 (Main Building)
Oral Presentation
Natalia AZERBAEVA, Tula state University, Russia
The national education system is influenced by the structural transformations of society and globalization processes occurring in the country and associated with the dynamics of development of the information society.

Transition of the education system to competence training is caused by the Bologna Process, for integration of national educational standards, which led to a shift in focus from the learning process (the formation of knowledge) on learning outcomes.

It may be noted that the competence approach to education meets the present realities, namely the emergence of the information society.

The competence approach in the information society, on the one hand, makes the existential tension of informative nature - constantly learn new information that plays a key role in the strategy of development of the society, on the other hand, enhances the philosophical and methodological problems of provocative role of information as a consequence of the fact that it took the place of traditional knowledge.

Almost the competence approach only exacerbated the problems of the Russian education and does not solve the problems facing them. It does not contribute to the formation of new knowledge, but merely creates the appearance of the process, it does not help the constant educational process, but only creates the conditions for the "final education", which exacerbated the problem of functional illiteracy, unemployment and emergence of knowledge.

The competence approach is developed to integrate the Russian education in the information society and partly meets its requirements. But, in fact, it teaches to work with "raw material" (information), which is used for the production of knowledge, so it is preparing "information natives" - "a man who knows, but does not realize; moralizing but immoral; educated but uncultured".