Connecting Generations? Contacts Between Parents and Adult Children in a Mobile World
Although contacts between parents and their offspring are not only relevant for the individuals themselves but also for society in general (e.g. social isolation in advanced age), little is yet known about the determinants, country-specific differences and especially changes over time. Due to the relevance of intergenerational contacts as a relevant precondition for many other forms of (functional) solidarity, the presentation addresses contact frequencies in an international and time-related perspective. Based on the 4th and 5th waves of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (2010-2013) including 13 countries, namely Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland the research questions are: (1) How intense are parent-child-contacts in general and (2) especially over time? Furthermore, using a two-wave-panel design embedded in a multilevel setting, the paper addresses the following specific questions: (3) Which micro-, meso- and macro-structural changes can explain an intensification or reduction of intergenerational contacts in European families and (4) can the usage of modern technologies such as the internet contribute an environment for maintaining or even intensifying intergenerational contacts over distances between parents and children?