Why Russians Do Not Afraid Economic Sanctions? the Counterrhetoric Strategies of the Print Media
The report analyzes key strategies of deproblematization of the economic sanctions (and Russian food embargo) which were used in four leading Russian printed editions from March 2014 to December 2014: Rossiyskaya Gazeta (pro-governmental, 945 articles), Novaya Gazeta (oppositional, 396 articles), Argumenty i Fakty (popular mass newspaper, 258 articles) and Kommersant (business magazine, 1574 articles).
Newspapers use a wide range of deproblematization strategies. Some of them are aimed to refute the importance of the problem as a whole (unsympathetic counterrhetoric), others - on proof of insolvency of the proposed ways to solve it (sympathetic counterrhetoric). [Ibarra, Kitsuse, 2003]. We conclude that in case of discussion on economic sanctions unsympathetic counterrhetoric prevail. Most popular strategies are “antipatterning”, “telling anecdote” and “counterrhetoric of insincerity” in terms of Ibarra and Kitsuse. The report describes most striking examples of these strategies and makes an inference about their weak and strong points.