Social Security of Hungarian Migrants?

Thursday, 14 July 2016
Location: Hörsaal I (Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG))
Distributed Paper
Eszter BALOGH, University of Vienna, Austria
Social security of Hungarian migrants?

The presentation shows some results of TRANSWEL[1] research project, which analyses the portability of social security rights in eight EU countries.  In this session the Austrian - Hungarian portability system and its ambivalences will be demonstrated by a case study performed between 2015 and 2016.

The case study focuses on the provocative question how far the right of free movement and the social security rights can prevail or can be injured when Hungarians migrate. The crucial idea of the presentation is that limitation in portability varies by social categories of migrants and can promote an unequal acquisition to social benefits. The presented research results essay to identify those migrant categories which face limit in acquisition to social provisions and feel mismatch between the expectation of migration and its outcome and those migrants categories, which are able to auspiciously enforce their social rights. The case study also attempts to identify and discover those social and regulative conditions when the enforcement of social rights can be successful and when it failed.

By the help of the applied triangulating research method, (which includes document analyses, expert interviews and surveys) we are able to present some opaqueness of the regulative and administrative system, which potentially cause unequal eligibility to the rights, and moreover some practices and strategies, which migrants apply to acquire social benefits.

In the presented analysis the ambivalences of acquisition to family and unemployment benefits will be emphasised, which are probably the most relevant social benefits for migrants in order to be able to manage life risk and maintain their families.  


[1] Project leader is Anna Amelina. Work package leaders are Elisabeth Scheibelhofer, Ann Runfors, Emma Carmel .