Philanthropic Activities and Their Political Implications during the Refugee Crisis in Hungary
In our presentation we will investigate everyday reactions to this humanitarian pressure. Despite the general perception about the overall passivity of the Hungarian society controlled by a xenophobic government, several professional organizations and an even wider range of individuals and newly formed informal groups have initiated and maintained long-term support for the migrants. In the presentation we aim to highlight some results of a research project that investigates forms, perceptions and political implications of such philanthropic actions. We will briefly outline the social background of individuals taking part in such activities, as well as the level of approval or rejection toward them on the part of the larger population. Also, the relationship between such humanitarian support and attitudes towards (national or EU level) political actors will be briefly analysed, highlighting certain aspects of political implications of such humanitarian philanthropic activities.
The research applies qualitative methods, mainly interviews with volunteers of established organizations, members of new issue-oriented groups and lonely activists (approx. 20 interviews), and leans on a survey conducted on a sample of 1000 people representing the Hungarian adult population.