International Comparative Usability of the National Index of Interpersonal Destructiveness: A Validity Analysis
The paper introduces the NIID that is created as an internationally comparative index and addresses its internal (IVA) and external (EVA) validity analysis. By IVA, special attention is paid to how NIID is working in comparison of different societies while by EVA, we looked at the relations between NIID and different variables measuring interpersonal destructiveness that were excluded from the Index structure due to low availability of relevant data across the countries and the time points in focus.
The analysis demonstrates that interpersonal destructiveness of a society is related to attitudes towards interpersonal violence spread in this society and more specifically with the interpersonal destructiveness in schools. However there are a couple of outlier societies in terms of how the NIID is working. These societies are examined in more detail. It is concluded that the NIID has a potential as a valid instrument to provide a yardstick for evaluating and comparing the situation of societies worldwide.