Theoretical Developments in Critical Discourse Analysis: For a Linguistic about Brazil

Tuesday, 12 July 2016
Location: Hörsaal 24 (Main Building)
Distributed Paper
Emmanuel H. Souza RODRIGUES, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil
The proposition of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is to make a linguistically oriented sociological analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2003). This approach has to be adequate to both situation and culture context, according to Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL) (HALLIDAY & MATTHIESSEN, 2014). This presentation aims to discuss about the multiple modernities (EISENSTADT, 2001) associating it with CDA. In order to work properly about Brazil (TAVOLARO, 2005), it is essential to use specific appropriated tools, not regarding a single model of modernity. In Brazil, considering our secularization and the form of separation between public and private, the interference of religious practices in politic environments are common. The type of secularization of the country and its relations between public and private allow it to happen. It became clear with the growth of the religious oriented group of parliamentarians called Bancada Evangélica, from 2010 to 2014. In this period, this group fought against the advance of sexual rights and LGBT citizenship in Brazil (VITAL & LOPES DA CUNHA 2012). I applied this linguistic and sociology theoretical framework on parliamentary speeches about equal marriage made in plenary by the Deputies Pastor Marco Feliciano and Pastor Eurico, focusing on Appraisal System (MARTIN & WHITE, 2005). With the development of the linguistic description, it was possible to make an explanation by sociological reading from the relationship between public and private existing in Brazil and its secularization. The results of this explanation point that the construction of the religious positions, as in speeches analized, build a proposition in which part of the population do not have the same civil rights, proposing the repeal of the rights already conquered by LGBT. In conclusion, the sociological view of the analyzed linguistic data suggests that in these speeches there is a proposal to limit the democracy inside contemporary Brazilian political spaces.