Muslim Children's and Youth' Well-Being and Its Intersections with Different Societal Contexts
In Germany, the life of Muslim children and youth is characterized by specific experiences of societal discrimination related to widespread skepticism and rejection of Muslim religiosity and the religion of Islam (Shooman 2012: 54). In relation to Muslim children’s and youth’ well-being this raises the question how such discrimination experiences influence well-being.
We will present the empirical findings of group interviews (10 group interviews with two to six participants) in various mosques in Germany (female and male) children and youth, aged between eight and 24 (see also Hunner-Kreisel/Wetzel 2015). The data is analyzed with Grounded Theory Methodology.
We find that for Muslim children and youth religion and religiosity can have different meanings in different societal contexts (Tiliouine 2014). In this regard, the category of religion/religiosity can intersect – and this is what we want to present – with social space: Subscribed as “Being a Muslim” can lead to discrimination at school and society. While in the mosque or within the family “Being a Muslim” can create unquestioned belonging of security and the feeling of morale goodness.